Why Social Skills Curriculum Is Valuable For Teenage Development
Teenagers are still very much learning how to build and utilize their social skills. Teaching teens social skills as part of their curriculum is vital for enhancing their social-emotional skills, academic achievements, social interactions, attitudes toward themselves and others, and self-conduct in school, public, and at home. This can also lessen any emotional distress they are experiencing. Let’s take a deeper look at why a social skills curriculum is so valuable for teenage development.
Building Social-Emotional Skills
Social-emotional learning (SEL) starts early in life. It is the process of cultivating self-control, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills needed for navigating school, work, and life in general. People who have honed these skills are better able to cope with everyday challenges. This teaches children to have more self-discipline and better impulse control, thereby allowing them to more readily regulate their emotions. When a problem arises, they can find a creative solution without all the anxiety and stress.
Improving Academic Achievements and Work Opportunities
SEL lesson plans are geared toward enhancing a teen’s academic achievements. SEL skills are also in high demand from employers and can help teenagers enter into the workforce with confidence. School dropout rates have shown a decline associated with SEL curriculum. Students can develop a sense of purpose with their academic and work endeavors, and they develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy needed to succeed in both arenas.
Building Confidence
A lot of teenagers lack confidence – both in themselves and in others. One study found that, among high school students, 44% of females and 15% of males were attempting to lose weight. Furthermore, 70% of girls aged 15 to 17 tend to avoid normal activities (like going to the beach) because they feel insecure about themselves.
SEL’s focus on cultivating a healthy self-image can keep teens from becoming adults who lack self-confidence. When a teenager has a healthy self-image, they feel more able to flourish in their academics, extracurriculars, at work, and in society at large. This can also help deter teens from engaging in bullying and seeking attention from the opposite sex that they might later regret.
Adapting to All Environments
As adults, we are expected to adapt to changes. We have to function at home, at work, in school, out in public – anywhere and everywhere. The same expectations are held for teens as they enter into adulthood. Social skills curriculum highlights adaptation for teens.
With SEL courses, teens can learn better time management skills, engage in responsible decision-making, and learn how to regulate emotional distress when change disrupts their lives. This translates between their environments, giving teens a smoother day.
Teenagers have brains that are still developing. That’s why social skills curriculum for teenage development is essential. Teens can become confident and well-rounded adults with proper guidance, which is what SEL plans have to offer.