KCET is the Karnataka Common Entrance Test that is conducted by Karnataka Examination Authority under the guidance of Karnataka University. This state level entrance exam is conducted to provide admission into certain B.E and B.Tech programs within various colleges and institutions located within the state of Karnataka.
Just like the other engineering entrance examinations; in order to obtain a good rank in KCET, one needs to work hard. In case you have not been able to get a good rank in KCET 2017, you can follow the below-mentioned tips so that you can obtain good rank in the coming year:
- Focus on all the core subjects like physics, mathematics and chemistry as emphasizing on only one subject will not help you to get good marks.
- Solve the previous years’ papers which can be downloaded easily from the websites. As certain questions are repetitive, solving the question papers of previous years and referring to explanations for the answers will help you to prepare well.
- Use your class 11 and 12 text books to brush up your basics.
- Always prepare notes while studying as this can help you to a great extent especially when revising just the before exam. This way you can avoid missing out on important formulae and facts.
- Prepare a routine which must include strict timelines for the preparation of each subject and you should also set up goals for each day and follow it stringently.
- Find out in which areas you are weak or you need to improve on. Focus on these areas so that your overall performance can improve.
- You can consult with those candidates who have already cleared the exam with good marks. You can ask them to share valuable tips that would ultimately benefit you.
- Along with solving the previous years’ question papers, you should also enroll yourself for mock tests as these will help you in increasing your speed. You will have to solve 60 questions in 80 minutes in KCET and thus, a good speed is very much required. When practicing, you should try to attempt seventy questions in eighty minutes. This will assist you to manage 60 questions on the final day pretty effortlessly.
- When preparing a time table, do not forget to include the break timings. It is important that you take small breaks in between study in order to stay healthy and fit. Also, you should practice yoga or meditation as these can help in combating stress and keep your mind fresh and increase confidence and concentration level.
- Always stay positive and do not get disheartened after making any mistakes; instead, find out how you can rectify the mistakes so that it does not happen again.
These tips will help you to prepare well for the exam.
Once you are in the exam hall and all set to take the KCET exam, you should follow the following tricks:
- Go through the entire question paper thoroughly.
- Start with the questions that you find easier to answer and then move on to the difficult ones.
- Refrain from making any silly mistakes like an error in calculation. This can be avoided simply by staying cool and calm.
- Do not waste a minute as this may prevent you from completing the paper. In case you are stuck with a particular question, move to the next one that you can answer quickly and then come back to the previous one.
- You can go ahead and skip steps and use shortcuts, as the examiner will look out for the accuracy and nothing else.
- Try to finish the paper at least half an hour before the actual time. During this last half hour, you can go through all the answers that you have written. This will help in preventing mistakes.
By following these tricks in the examination hall, you can complete the paper on time.