Students First

The Defamation And Its Two Main Types – Libel And Slander

Sometimes we often come across publications or statements made by a party against a person, a group, an organization etc. Well, maybe the statement is the truth or it may be that they intentionally want to ruin the other party. Defamation is a word used to describe an act of making a false statement regarding a person or a group of persons, or an organization, or may be a country, in order to damage his good reputation or lowering him in public.

Defamation of character is done intentionally by majority of people because of their personal enmity towards the defamed party or that the defamer may gain something in some way or the other in doing so. Defaming someone may be done through writing, printing, speeches, publications, body language, and signs etc.

The forms of defamation are mainly classified depending on their medium or means in which the defamatory statement id communicated.

We can divide defamation mainly in two types





There is a notable difference in the way of proving in the case of both slander and libel, if the plaintiff happens to be a public figure and not a private figure. The private figure only needs to prove that the statement is an act of negligence but need not proof the actual malice thing. Proving in the case of a public figure is rather more difficult.