JEE Advanced Now In New Avatar: Prepare Accordingly
Mould yourself, if you want to ace it!
With bated breath, aspirants are looking forward to the results of JEE Main, as it is the gateway for aspirants to appear in JEE Advanced and be a part of the elite class of esteemed IITians. 30th of April is the judgment day for many aspirants as they look forward to applying for JEE Advanced, which begins on 2nd of May.
What Changed?
Prior to this JEE Advanced was both pen and paper-based, but this year all that is going to change. The conductor of JEE Advanced this year i.e. IIT Kanpur has decided to go completely online. Student’s need not worry about GST whilst paying exam fees as it has been now withdrawn.
How to go about it?
When it goes online, aspirants need to prepare online. For an exam like JEE Advanced, motivation was required then and it was required now. What changes the equation this time around is the way an aspirant must prepare. JEE Advanced like before will be time constraint and hence preparation should be such that it increases speed and accuracy. Since it is computer-based, one must take as much online mock tests they can and solve previous year’s papers online.
Perks and Quirks:
What better than to sit at home and prepare for an exam like JEE? One needn’t travel to mock test centers or get previous year’s papers from far-flung shops. This doesn’t only save time in the dreaded summer heat but also helps one to prepare/practice in the comfort of home. The icing on the cake quotient of the online mode is; one gets to sit in AC rooms when they are giving the final exam.
Many may dread this step too because some aspirants may not be tech savvy and adapting to a complete online mode may require getting used too. This does give some advantage to some over others. There have been issues of technical glitches earlier, so this is something that needs to be ironed out for the exam to be devoid of any shortcomings.
As the D Day Nears:
It is assumed that aspirants are already well acquainted with in-depth concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Now, it is paramount importance to recall the concepts and practice till speed and accuracy is ingrained in every aspirant’s DNA. Keeping calm and getting in the zen mode is the key.
Keep a track of important dates like application date, fees, exam hall documentation requirements etc. as JEE Advanced just a month away now.
All the Best!