How To Maximize Online Test Preparation For Any Exam

How To Maximize Online Test Preparation For Any Exam

Online test preparation (prep) has become more of a mainstay as students, teachers and teachers in training rely on it more and more to get ready for major exams. TAP test prep is no exception; neither are the challenges that everyone studying online faces that must be overcome to make it successful. Here are the building blocks you need to be successful.


The foremost skill anyone preparing for an exam online can possess is discipline. The importance of discipline may not be obvious up front, but without it, someone preparing online will fall behind, lose focus and miss a lot they should be learning. By discipline, we mean being able to say “no” to temptations like skipping a session to have fun or putting off studying until it has piled up beyond your ability to catch up. When any of that happens, particularly with difficult topics like ILTS test prep, students end up cramming, rushing and skipping over vital test preparation elements.

Key to mastering the discipline necessary to study effectively online is a schedule. A specific time should be set aside for each study session. The schedule should not be deviated from except for emergencies and when that happens, a makeup session should be scheduled and completed as soon as possible.

A Mentor

Some people can figure out their preparation schedule and stick to it with no encouragement. Those folks also usually do not need anyone to help keep them focused or motivated. They also never forget birthdays, buy holiday gifts months in advance and refuse to ever spend a penny more than they budgeted on vacation.

For the other 99-percent of us, well, we need a mentor. This particularly applies to online preparation. A mentor helps keep us focused on the correct material, motivates us to keep at it even when skipping a prep session is tempting and provides encouragement throughout. Having a mentor or at least someone to keep tabs on your progress is critical to ensuring you are as prepared as possible.


Beyond a schedule, to master any type of online learning, you have to be organized. This means having the right physical materials and supplies in place before you start each session. It means eliminating all distractions while you are studying. You also must know how to capture and record relevant information as part of your TAP test prep regimen in a way you can recall it with ease.

Willpower and Honesty

The ability to test yourself and honestly assess your progress and challenges is vital to making online test preparation work. If you cannot do that, you will neglect areas you need help and will not be fully prepared.

Online exam training, even TAP test prep, requires some fundamentals to be effective. Master these four elements and you will succeed. Neglect them at your own peril.
