4 Ways Students Can Boost Their Brain Performance
Students need to remember a lot of things when they are in college and the easiest thing is to remember the name of their friends. But, they need to memorize so much more than that. They need to understand various topics under all subjects, title of books, schedules and many more. All this requires a significant portion of their brain capacity. If they have weak memory, it could be very difficult to deal with these issues. Fortunately, it is possible for us to harness the power of our memory to handle different tasks with much less stress. Here are things students need to do to improve the performance of their brain:
- Perform brain exercises regularly: Active memory is based on the health and vitality of our brain. Brain cells are much like muscle cells and they need exercise. We should keep them active all the time. Students can achieve this by learning to play musical instruments, learning new language and playing puzzle games on their phones. The chosen activity should be challenging enough that we need to stretch mentally and intellectually. Brain exercises should be exciting and entertaining, so we will be encouraged to do repeat them over and over again. Another good brain exercise is by learning how to play favourite music track on a familiar musical instrument.
- Physical exercises: Physical exercises can really boost our brain performance, because they can improve the flow of oxygen. This should minimize the risk of any brain disorder, no matter how slight it is, so our brain functions won’t be impaired. Exercise should help relax our bolt and keep our mind alert for proper retention of information. It is not necessary to follow rigorous exercise plan, walking briskly for 20 minutes each day should be enough. Stairs are good way to improve our fitness and students can do this in their dorm’s emergency stairs, even if it is raining.
- Have enough sleep: Students who lack sleep could have affected critical thinking ability. With impaired brain’s well-being, they can’t solve problem easily and their creativity will be affected. To avoid this, it is important to have enough sleep for about eight hours each day. To keep their sanity, students should also take a short nap, about 30 minutes during the day. The power of sound sleeping can be amazing if we harness it.
- Socialize with good friends: Hanging out with good friends can reduce anxiety, depression and stress. It should also help us improve our brain performance. Students should also keep a cheerful face and be friendly to people all the time. They should join in the discussion and try to be humorous and light-hearted. When they have some time to spare, it is also a good idea for students to participate in voluntary activities.
Finally, we should be able to exercise our brain regularly by retaining enough information itself. The studying activity itself should be shaped to become a brain exercise that can keep our mind well-conditioned for continuous learning.