Tips On How To Help Young Children Learn To Write

Tips On How To Help Young Children Learn To Write

Did you know that writing is among those activities children are eager to engage in as early as possible? They are, in fact, very excited about learning new things. However, as the practice shows, holding a pencil could sometimes turn into a challenging task for a young writer due to the lack of the required motion skills. But as the Latin proverb says, sic parvis magna. Thus, everyone who’s still getting used to holding a pen will soon be asking “how many pages should an essay be?” and “which style of writing/formatting should I use here?”

Help Your Kid Prepare for Writing

One should keep in mind that teaching a child to write is none of a simple task to fulfill. You’ll get little progress by simply showing your son or daughter images and asking him/her to copy those. The primary focus should be made on physical training and strengthening hands in particular. By encouraging your dearest one to draw as much as he/she can you help your kid to develop stronger arm and hand muscles. Also, when you allow your descendant to cut with scissors you stimulate faster development of finger motion and stimulate creativity boost.

Teach Your Child to Keep Correct Postures

Learning to write might be accompanied by plenty of difficulties. One of those is the need to hold a pan and a paper at the same time. When trying to perform this task, children often choose incorrect postures that may lead to the formation of motor apparatus diseases. To prevent the occurrence of the latter parents should:

  • Always keep their children in sight
  • Never let them draw while lying down
  • Remind them of keeping a proper posture
  • Choose a slanted surface for training

Use Golf Pencils

In order to help a young student to develop a better grip during practical exercises, consider obtaining some golf pencils. These are exactly the pencils you might probably see when attending your mini-golf classes. Regarding the beneficial qualities they possess, the size of items allows them to fit perfectly even the tiny hands of a child. When using these pencils, kids quickly learn the principles of holding and balancing the new drawing tools. In case there’s no way you can find them in your area, a piece of chalk or a broken crayon could work just fine.

Consider Using Textured Surfaces

It often appears to be hard for a kid to make letters correctly, especially at earlier stages of training. Using a textured surface or a raised line paper could actually help one to make this issue resolved. When a child sees slant lines under his/her hand, he/she then makes reflexive attempts to write with a slope. In case with textured surfaces, one doesn’t even need to make tries since a pencil will just bump and follow the lines ‘by itself’. It its turn, it will assist your son/daughter to develop an accurate handwriting and improve it in the course of time.

Make Him/Her a “Spacestick”

There is a tendency among kids to leave either too little or too much space between words. In order to teach them to make spaces equally long, one simply needs to have a clean Popsicle stick at hand. Ask your child to put this stick at the end of each word he/she writes. The following word should start on the other side of a given stick. You may even stimulate your small student to draw a face on its top and give a name to the “spacestick”. You’ll both see how writing turns into a pure fun this way.

Summarizing all the stated above facts, teaching kids some writing techniques is both a responsible and engaging kind of activity. If one doesn’t pay enough attention to the issue, a child may just stay behind in both physical and mental development. Incorrect postures and erroneous manner of writing can do nothing but a huge disservice in what refers to educational aspects of the matter. On the other hand, using the leading pedagogical experience can assist one in raising a kid’s interest for the activity and stimulating his/her desire to achieve success faster.