Maybe your teacher asked you to write an essay or a short story which bothers you because you are experiencing a difficulty on how to compose it. You get your paper and hold your pen. The thoughts jumble in your mind, but you cannot find the correct words that you can summon using the ink that lingers on the tip of your pen.
Relax, and put them down first. Focus on this article, and after you read these tips, you will be ready to create your own masterpiece. Listed are the 8 habits that you must practice in order for you to effectively write your piece. Here they are:
Wait, what? I thought it is about writing, but why do I have to read?
The truth is, you will learn so much if you are a reader because it is the most effective way to gather information that you will need. Here are some supporting details:
- Other author’s works can help you find different ways to write
- Your vocabulary can be widened
- It can also help you avoid a stale writing style
Time Management
Why do I even need to set a time to write? I can do it whenever I feel like it.
Do not take writing for granted. Take it seriously. Not being able to set a time for writing mostly becomes the reason some novels become unfinished because of the absence of commitment. What you must do are:
- Make an everyday schedule when to write
- Log or track your writing hours if necessary
- Be your very own boss
- Be diligent to be able to understand how to set and fulfil your goals
- Look for an inspiration, and do not wait for it
Set Your Goals
What? Is this some kind of a business plan?
No, but it is another important factor to consider to be able to write productively. Here are the most helpful tips on setting your goals:
- Start with an achievable goal like two pages a day
- Make sure you finish those pages, and set another reachable goal
- In case there are distractions, stay up a little more time at night
- Always remember to stay on track
Do Not Spill the Milk
I am not a kid anymore who could spill my milk. Why would I do that?
Exactly, but the real point is that you must keep every idea that you have in mind about a story that you are writing. What you need to do in order to protect your thoughts are:
- Tell nobody about it, not even your best friend
- Keep it a secret until your initial draft is finished
- Your idea can possibly be plagiarized, but unlikely, so do not be afraid
- Write, and write, and write your idea so that you would not forget it
Being Organized
How do I organize those words that I am writing?
It is simply raising significant points as well as creating convincing arguments and ordered evidences. Here are the keys to easily organize your words:
- Follow a logical sequence to make the thoughts understandable
- Create your paper with comprehensible sentences
- Articulate paragraphs also offer a big help
Being Direct
Is that really necessary? I want to go deep within my words so that my readers will be engaged and have questions in their minds.
That does not always work. Remember that it is a story or an essay, not a series or a blank test paper that they need to fill questions with. So that your written piece will be understood, you also need to make sentences that are straight to the point to directly express your idea. Here are some factors to consider to successfully apply this habit:
- Be aware of what you mean
- Write it as if you are your own reader
- Choose the correct words that accurately express your ideas
Revising and Rewriting
Shouldn’t I just ask somebody to proofread it?
Not everything in this world is free unless there are still other people out there who would like to proofread for free, but it would be best to do it on your own. Here are the things that you must keep in mind when revising your work:
- Encode it in Microsoft Word to see if there are spelling and grammar lapses.
- Rereading and revising can be hard work, but it will help you to learn a lot, and become a better writer.
- Treat it as a habit, even though you do not need to do it.
Avoiding Errors
Nobody is perfect, so what’s the point?
Right, mistakes are inevitable, but you can avoid it by properly arranging the words to be able to successfully deliver the thought that you want to express. Here are the factors that you should remember to avoid errors:
- Learn more about grammatical organization
- Avoid common errors by repeating your sentences in your mind, and try to think if it is easy to understand
- Always pay attention to details, especially if you have already been given a feedback with some of your errors
- Learn from those feedback and comments
Given that you already learned these habits, you are surely properly armed with the knowledge that you need. It is going to be your foundation to being an effective author. If you want to know about publishing a book, you should visit
Now pick up your pen! Let it embark on an adventure to the four corners of your papers by swimming into the deepest thoughts that you could ever imagine, but do not drown yourself. Bon voyage!