Students First

5 Things You Will Require On The Day You Give Your MHT CET.

There are almost three months left for the MHT CET 2018. Your preparation must be going in full swing. If not, you should gear up to crack the entrance exam, and rightfully claim the seat in a prestigious college of Maharashtra. Often, we talk about the preparation aspect of the examination. But we seldom talk about other aspects, such as things to carry on the exam day. Thus, here we focus on the crucial belongings that you should carry while going for the MHT

Identity Document

Your admit card is the entry pass for MHT CET 2018. But to verify your right over admit card, you have to prove your identity. The invigilator will verify the facts such as name, address, and photograph by analyzing the admit card and the identity document. Thus, you should take an original identity proof and a photocopy of the same. The following identity documents are valid for the examination:

MHT CET Hall Ticket/Admit Card

The registrations for MHT CET 2018 have already started, and if you haven’t applied for it yet, you should do it before 25th March 2018 to avoid any late fee. The MHT CET admit card 2018 will be available on the website from 24th April 2018 onward. You can download the admit card until 10th May 2018, i.e., until the date of the examination.

Generally, the admit card is the most common belonging that aspirants forget to bring in the examination. If you do so, you will not be permitted to sit for the examination. Most of the candidates think that they will take the print out on the day before the examination. But you may forget to do so, or due to unforeseen circumstance, you might not be able to print the admit card. Thus, take precautions, and take two printouts of the admit card beforehand.


Instead of borrowing stationery in the examination hall, you should take it along with you. Don’t commit the mistake of carrying a single pen or pencil, as you may lose it or it may stop functioning. Carry a spare one as well. Your stationery set should comprise of:

Water Bottle

The MHT CET examination will be held in the month of May. The scorching heat will dehydrate you. Your health is a foremost priority because your performance will depend on your health. Thus, to avoid any health hazards, carry one or two water bottles with you. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Moreover, you can also carry energy boosters such as glucose drinks.

Positive Attitude

Last but not the least; your attitude decides your performance in the MHT CET 2018 exam, not only in the examination but in every aspect of your life. You should always bear a positive approach to life. When you think positive, you will attract positive vibes only. Your positive attitude will help you in clearing the examination with flying colors. Instead of worrying and getting tensed; stay calm, confident, and enthusiastic.